Master Lim
Master Nam Lim holds a 5th degree black belt in HaeDong Gumdo (Korean Sword Martial Arts), a 5th degree black belt in Taekwondo and is certified for instructing bare hand combat in Korean Martial Arts. He has been teaching Martial Arts in South Korea and in the United States for over 20 years. In addition, he taught U.S. Army soldiers when he was an instructor in South Korea.
He started Korean Martial Arts at age 6 in his hometown of Pyeongtaek, South Korea. Taekwondo was the first traditional Korean Martial Arts that he started with, then he specialized in Korean Sword Martial Arts. Master Lim studied several other Martial Arts and taught different skills.
Master Lim graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) with a Biological Science degree. He was a student instructor for the SIUE Taekwondo Club throughout his school years. He played football for the SIUE Club Football Team for four years and was a captain his senior year.
Master Lim loves training with his students in classes every day. Master Lim's dream is to help his students become successful in their lives with good morals, respect, positive attitude, a mindset to do their best on everything, and satisfaction from the results of their efforts.